
Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School

Principal: Andrea Carpenter
Associate Principal:   
Administrative Assistant:
Contact Information
Address: 28 AMS Road, Akwesasne, ON K6H 0G5
Phone: 613-932-3366
Fax: 613-932-7722

To attend Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School, please submit application to the AMBE Board Office. 

Kana:takon School

Principal: Jessica Roundpoint
Administrative Assistant:
Contact Information
Address: 28 Second Street Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A0
Phone: 613 -575-2323
Fax: 613-575-1910

To attend Kana:takon School, please submit application to the AMBE Board Office. 

Tsi Snaihne School

Acting Principal  Tami Kroon
Administrative Assistant Char Cook
Contact Information
Address:  127 Snye School Road Akwesasne QC H0M 1A1
Phone 613-575-2291
Fax 613-575-2827

To attend Tsi Snaihne School, please submit application to Char Cook, Administrative Assistant.