Board of Trustees and Education Portfolio Chiefs
Our mission at AMBE is ... "Ie thi ha hon:nien - We make the road for them."
Our motto encompasses our vision and mandate of providing our children with the highest quality education possible and "building a road for them" that will lead to success.
Our vision at AMBE is...
Learning is a life-long process.
Children learn through a variety of learning styles.
Children are curious and eager to learn.
Children need an environment that is safe, trusting, and challenging.
Parents are important partners in education.
Physical, emotional and intellectual growth of the child must be supported.
The Ahkwesãhsne Mohawk Board of Education consists of six board members of two elected members from each of the three districts within the Mohawk territory of Ahkwesahsne; Kana:takon, Kawehno:ke and Tsi Snaihne. With them are three Chiefs from the Education Portfolio in the Mohawk Council of Chiefs.
The term of office is three years with an election held annually for a three year staggered term. AMBE has the responsibility for providing leadership in all matters affecting education. The following are your Board members:
Kathleen Papineau, Chair, District of Kawehno:ke
Belinda Koostachin, District of Kawehno:ke
Sheila Adams, District of Tsi Snaihne
Josephine Herne, Vice Chair, District of Tsi Snaihne
Cecelia "Ceely" King, District of Kana:takon
Teresa Oakes, District of Kana:takon
Education Portfolio
Here are your Portfolio Chiefs:
Chief Edward Roundpoint
- Chief Sarah Diabo
- Chief Julie Phillips-Jacobs
Should you wish to contact one of the Education Portfolio Chiefs, they can be reached at
The Ahkwesãhsne Mohawk Board of Education holds regular and special meetings of the Board to make decisions in the best interest of your children. The Board further believes that meetings should be open to the community unless the Board is discussing matters involving a student, staff member or financial matters that require confidentiality. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month and rotates location between the AMBE Office and Iohahi:io. Should you wish to address the Board at any time, please contact AMBE office at (613) 933-0409 and request to be included on the agenda. You will be required to provide background information for the trustees to review prior to the meeting.