Lisa Zeran, Secondary Student Services Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 613.933.0409 or CCVS 613.932.8360 X4225
The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board Of Education has a Tuition Agreement with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and an Educational Services Agreement with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) for students who reside on-reserve. Both Agreements covers tuition costs and transportation for grade 9-12 students only. Schools covered under the UCDBS Tuition Agreement are Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School, AMBE/TR Leger Foundations Program, TR Leger-Iohahi:io Adult Education Program, and the TR Leger School (main Cornwall campus). The school covered under the CDSBEO Educational Services Agreement is St Joseph’s Secondary School. Lisa Zeran oversees AMBE’s Secondary Schools Program along with the Private School requests.
AMBE Secondary Staff
Lisa Zeran, Student Services Coordinator: [email protected]
April Thompson, Native Student Advisor @ CCVS: [email protected]
Jacqueline St John, Native Resource @ CCVS: [email protected]
Michael Thompson, Native Resource @ CCVS: [email protected]
Chris “Chip” George, AMBE Foundations Teacher: [email protected]
Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School (CCVS)
437 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON K6H 3H9
Tel: 613 932 8360 Fax: 885 358 3361
Jason Wagensveld, Principal
Website: [email protected]
CCVS is one of the most diverse multi-cultural schools within the Upper Canada District School Board. The student body consists of a large First Nations, Inuit and Metis (FNMI) population along with Canadian citizens whose ethnic background is either Euro-Centric, Pakistani, East Indian, Sri Lankan, Chinese, and Japanese. There are also close to 60 international students from Italy, Spain, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Australia, the Republic of Chile, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the United Mexican States, Japan, Thailand, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea. CCVS is the only UCDSB to
CCVS Supporting Student Success Student Success Unit (SSU)
The SSU provides support not only students who have been identified with learning needs through the IPRC (Identification, Placement, and Review committee), but also non-identified students. An IEP (Individual Education Plan) outlines Instructional, Environmental, and Assessment Accommodations to support student learning. Examples of some supports include scribing, assistive technology, personal support, extra time for tests and assignments, and oral testing. The SSU is located in Rm 223 across the hall from NCR.
First Nations Student Support/Native Resource Center (NRC-Rm 238)
First Nations students are able to access similar supports that exist in the SSU. These supports are provided by the AMBE staff. FNMI students can access NRC for additional assistance if needed once the lesson has been taught by the teacher. As well as being open during class time, the NRC is also open during lunch hour. The AMBE staff provides homework and tutorial assistance during lunch hour and after school from 2:25-4:00 pm. The NRC is also a location where students can pick up a healthy snack throughout the day. A refrigerator, microwave, toaster, and an electric kettle are available for student use. The NRC is the “hub” for FNMI students to gather academically and socially. Students participate in the UCDSB iLead Programme (native student leadership and awareness presentations), UCDSB Student Senate, and cultural group exchanges, culturally relevant presentations, sweats, college/university field trips, APSIP (Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program), Multi-Cultural Day, and the University of Ottawa’s Let’s Talk Science Program. Students also have access to two mental health counselors from Social Development and Health.
English as a Secondary Language (ESL) Support Center
English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Education, are “for students whose first language is other than English or is a variety of English significantly different from that used for instruction in Ontario schools. Students in these programs have had educational opportunities to develop age-appropriate first-language literacy skills.” FNMI students whose elementary educational instruction has been in their native language (eg Mohawk Immersion) have support to increase their reading and writing knowledge in the English language. The ESL Support Center (Room 200) is located next door to the NRC.
Various clubs such as Art, Band, Choir, Dance, Drama, Enviro-thon, Interact, Prom, School Reach, and Student Council are available to all students. And many students also participate in the following sports; Badminton, Basketball, Cross-Country Running, Curling, Football, Golf, Hockey, Soccer, Track and Field, and Volleyball. All CCVS students also have access to the native courses: NAC1OO Expressing Aboriginal Cultures; NAC2OO First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples in Canada; NBE3EO/NBE3CO/NBE3U English: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices; NBV3CO/NBV3EO Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations of Aboriginal Peoples in Contemporary Society; and NDW4MO Issues of Indigenous Peoples in a Global Context.
The EOHU has been sending letters to parents of children who need to update Immunization records. A final notice was mailed to parents February 7. Parents are to contact the Immunization Department at 1-866-318-0552 to update the immunization records or make an appointment. In certain cases, a child may be exempt from immunization requirements. To obtain an exemption, an official exemption form has to be fully completed and kept on record. Parents can request a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief – Immunization of School Pupils Act. A parent must complete a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief and have it witnessed by a commissioner for taking affidavits if they wish to obtain a non-medical exemption for their child from vaccine requirements under the Immunization of School Pupils Act.
Starting March 26, those students who have not updated their records or submitted a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief - Immunization of School Pupils Act will be suspended until the EOHU is provided with the required information and the suspension order has been rescinded.
**If electing to submit an immunization waiver form parents and guardians will need to attend an education session, contact the EOHU at 1-866-318-0522 to make an appointment.
Ontario Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief
Chris (Chip) George is the Lead Teacher at AMBE Foundations, an alternative secondary school located at the Thompson Memorial Wellness Centre, Kawehno:ke. The program is operated through the TR Leger School and funded by UCDSB. Students work on independent study courses, guided by two teachers and an Instructional Assistant, to complete their Ontario diploma requirements or to reintegrate into main stream schools. Students participate in “hands-on” learning exercises, field trips, Cross-Fit, Sons & Daughters Cultural Presentations/Discussions, sweats, Community Agency presentations and the UCDSB iLead Programme. A full size kitchen is available to students for healthy breakfasts and lunches throughout the day.
TR Leger-Iohahi:io Adult Education
16 Iohahi:io Rd, Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A1
Tel: 613.575.2754 Fax: 613.575.1478
TR Leger School
600 McConnell Ave, Cornwall, ON K6H 4M1
Tel: 613.933.9626 Fax: 613.930.7251
Sandy McInnes, Principal
Trent Carter-Edwards, Secondary Vice Principal
Website: [email protected].
TR Leger recognizes that students learn in a variety of ways. These preferences may be determined by individual learning styles, present employment status and specific subject matter. Students are encouraged to dialogue with a counselor or teacher as they determine which of the following will facilitate their educational goals. Students can study either as a full-time or part-time student. Students can earn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credits through independent study courses, Cooperative Education (job placement), Dual Credit through college or apprenticeship training programs, or Correspondence On-Line courses. As students earn OSSD credits, they also acquire skills for the 21st Century job market, prepare for college, apprenticeship, or university, explore various occupations, create career pathways, participate in apprenticeship programming, gain valuable work experience, and improve their digital skills. TR Leger students are adults of all ages, Employment Insurance (E.I.) recipients and Ontario Works participants, displaced workers, adolescent students requiring alternative education, persons re-entering the world of work, individuals resuming their education, adults seeking Skills Training and Employment Preparation, and newcomers to Canada learning English and Citizenship. Learn more about TR Leger or to obtain a school registration form visit our website or contact Trent Carter-Edwards.
St Joseph’s Secondary School (SJSS)
1500 A Cumberland St, Cornwall, ON K6J 5V9
Tel: 613.932.0349
Renee Rozon, Principal
St. Joseph’s Secondary School is a place of learning rich in tradition. SJSS believe all students can be successful. Through various rich programs and many opportunities for hands on learning such as the co-op program, dual credit partnership with various colleges and the SHSM in business, and transportation, SJSS offers many positive and innovative ways to learn. SJSS is a school that believes that every student has many gifts and talents given by God that need to be discovered and explored. All SJSS students have a meaningful graduation outcome due to the dedicated staff that work diligently to ensure this happens.
CDSBEO secondary schools have a uniform policy. Uniforms can be purchased through the school, and most schools also offer a gently-used uniform purchasing option to students. In many cases, the proceeds from these sales are used to fund school programs and initiatives. As a note, AMBE does not pay for uniforms. For specific information on uniform purchase dates, please visit the website of your Catholic secondary school.
All students within the UCDBS and CDSBEO fall under the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Ontario Secondary School Diploma graduation requirements. AN OSSD will be granted to a student who earns a minimum of 30 credits of 110 hours each, passes the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, and completes a minimum of 40 hours of Community Involvement.
Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO), is the transportation consortium for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO), and the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB). In times of inclement weather STEO will post on their website for any bus delays or cancellations. Please feel free to access their website; As a general rule when STEO cancels transportation for CDSBEO and UCDSB, AMBE will also cancel the AMBE secondary school buses, and will post the information on the AMBE website (
Private Schools
AMBE will attempt to provide appropriate educational programs to meet the needs of all of its secondary students. When factors mitigate against providing these programs on reserve, partial financial assistance may be provided to enable students to attend schools where the needed program exists. The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Policy 1012 Private School (Grades 9-12) Tuition Assistance references parents who wish enroll their child in a Private School within Canada or the United States. The student must be a member of the Mohawks for Akwesasne and under the educational jurisdiction of AMBE. To read more about the Private School Policy go to the AMBE website (, select the Our Policies tab, in search dialog box type in Policy 1012, then select download. If you meet the requirements within the policy, contact Sandra Rourke, to obtain an AMBE application form for financial assistance.